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To inquire about representation by Healthcare Professionals Alliance, send us a message below or call (800) 219-2180 or contact us at

The first step in organizing your workplace is to develop a network of workers in every department and shift who are interested in making improvements in their workplace by forming a union. Informational meetings are a crucial part of this first stage.

When there is enough support, workers will circulate a Healthcare Professionals Alliance petition. Workers should sign once they have had all their questions answered and have decided they want Healthcare Professionals Alliance representation.

Signing the petition does not make you a Healthcare Professionals Alliance member or commit you to pay dues, but it demonstrates your support for forming for a union and puts you one step closer to improving your working conditions and advocating for your patients.

Once a strong majority of workers has signed cards, the cards are given to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), the federal agency that governs union elections. The NLRB will conduct a formal election by secret ballot.

Once you win an election, your employer can no longer change existing practices without bargaining with the workers first. Workers win the best contracts when they are organized, united, and committed to participation in the union and the bargaining process.